what. Growth Hacking Meetup

Growth Cases & Expert Panel - what. Growth Hacking Meetup

what. Season 2 Episode 1

Download our podcast, sit back and listen to the growth hacking stories from our Swiss startups, and learn from their mistakes and successes which helped them to scale their business. In this podcast we include insights from -

Sherpany presented by Marco Mancini (Growth Hacker, Sherpany)
Sherpany is a Meeting Management Software to streamline decision-making, shorten meetings, and securely access everything you need.

Problem: targeting all regulated industries led to generic messages
Solution: switch focus to an account based marketing

Calingo presented by Daniel Litscher (COO, Calingo Insurance AG)
Calingo.ch makes getting an insurance easy, digitally – without any paperwork, just a few clicks and you know the price for your customised insurance. Cancel it monthly.

Problem: nobody is interested in insurances, digitally it is difficult to know the moment, when people need it, insurer ask questions people don’t know the answer
Solution: one click insurance, tailored products whilst the customer does not need to answer a bunch of questions

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